About Us

The Beard Struggle Is Over!

Hi, my name is Donovan Benjamin the man behind Black Man’s Beard products. My beard oil born out of my struggle to find the perfect beard products that suited my beard type.

Living in the United Kingdom, I found that products designed for the Black Man’s Beard were quite hard to find.

I did find a few brands In the USA but it proved difficult to try most of these.

 There were some in the UK too but for me, they seemed to be generic and not tailored to the Black Man’s Beard (I haven’t tried them all).

For me, the perfect beard oil had to be made for black hair and skin, and be 100% natural.

For several years, I blended black hair food (Dax) with olive oil, castor oil and coconut oil. It wasn’t bad but was a bit too heavy and oily.
I then Found Jamaican Black Castor Oil Beard oil which gave me hope, but the foul smell was a big no-no to walk around smelling on my face all day. Also, the label said 100% natural, but it contained insect replant among other things.

So I set about combining JBCO with various other oils and vitamins that were great for black hair and skin. Then added some essential oils which made it smell amazing.
The end product was Black Man’s Beard Oil. Since using my Beard Oil, I have experienced rapid beard growth, and a thick; soft well moisturised beard for the whole day. Before this, my beard would be dry and brittle by bedtime.

So now my mission is to share my beard oil first and foremost with my bearded black brothers here in the UK and around the world.

It's a family thing! here are a selection of pictures of me and various members of my beard loving family.